Here is the tea from our natural tea gardens. Last year we didn't make autumn tea because the quality was not satisfying, this year, we can release this cake. Thanks to the drought, we've had good shengtai material this year and you'll get a decent daily drinker to enjoy.
Peter S.
Drinking autmn 2019 jingmai shengtai at the morning is such a pleasant wake up. Nice floral taste, meadow aroma. The tea is sweet, but also a bit bitter and astringent. It is an easy and enjoyable tea that energizes you for the day. If you drink it at the evening I suggest lighter brews, it calms you down. A good-mood-tea.
Sonia F.
I have chosen Jingmai Autumn 2019 Shengtai as a tea to know better during quarantine. Almost every day I have been drinking this shengtai, sometimes with another kind of teas. I am not an experienced drinker, and I think this tea has taught me a lot about sheng puerh teas, during this time.
Every morning, I am very excited to drink it. Dried leafs smell delicious: high mountain flowers, fruit candies, small berries, crispy, warm and juicy. In the mouth it's a festival of colours and flavours (as the nose predicted) with an exquisite taste that reminds me of freshly made fried artichoke chips: sweet, tasty, unctuous, crunchy, and a light pungent bitterness at the end.
I adore it.
Chris R.
Fantastic Autumn tea! This is an amazing bargain, and a great example of an autumn puer tea. Great aroma, full mouthfeel, delicious flavor -- it is all here. If you like very fresh young sheng, get this right away and enjoy the fresh musky character of the season as it settles into itself over the next months/years. 2019 spring teas seemed quite aromatic relative to previous years, and this seems to be holding true for the fall season as well! As usual, impeccable material and processing from FL!