Yubai processed a lot of tea in Spring 2015 and we had a couple of bags left from this harvest. We decided it was time to press them into cakes in Summer 2018.
The loose leaves were stored in cardboard boxes under the semi-tropical climate of Pu'er City. This tea has already oxidized along the years and is good to drink as a semi-aged pu-erh.
The fragrance has lost its floral tone and is now on the fruity side. The mouthfeel is medium-thick and sweetness comes off steadily along the infusions. The bitterness is low and the astringency medium. It has a good endurance and makes a pleasant teenager Pu-erh, to drink now or to store for a couple of years more.
Denis Draxler
Good to have it on the shelf!
The category "daily trinker" fits quite good. Had some brewing sessions and liked this tea more and more. First infusion has a good orange tone and clear if a bit rinsed, then the second has a warm golden yellow tone kind to the tea brewers eyes. But do not let come out the bitterness too much and brew it at about 75° celsius. Then the taste is fruity with good astringency and less bitterness. That way the "daily trinker" will be your companion.
nice daily drinker
a nice Jingmai Daily Drinker. I liked it better than the two Miyuns I've had- it's less floral but more balanced..
So if you prefer a very floral puer then the Miyun is a better choice, and if you want more body and balance try this one out!