He Huan is a lovely ancient garden located on a hill above the village. This is the eastern end of the Da Ping Zhang ancient tea forest. Unlike most of the park, this garden grows on steep ground. Yubai's uncle has a part of this garden and we managed to get his leaves at the peak of the Spring season. The teas kept as loose leaves for six months, we then pressed it into 100g cakes.
The tea features an oily and active mouthfeel. The tea leaves your mouth with heavy sweetness and flowery fragrance. The tea has a good upfront bite, medium bitterness is present and remains just long enough for you to notice it. This is a fairly aggressive tea, not because of high bitterness and astringency, but because it feels active and dynamic in the mouth. You will notice a mineral tone as well, which makes you want for another cup. The tea can be brewed over fifteen times and performs well during the long end-of-session steepings.
Свежесть леса "Da Ping Zhang"
Качественный лист чая , это стиль Вильяма.
Сразу же после первой заварки ощущаешь сильнейший аромат ,очень сильный цветочно -травяной вкус, горечь и вязкость захватывает все рецепторы вкуса,
Чай очень крепкий, с сильно выраженными характеристиками аромата , нотами горечи и вязкости.
Quality tea leaf, this is the style of William.
Immediately after the first brew, you feel the strongest aroma, a strong flowery taste, bitterness and astringency captures all taste receptors,
Tea is Full body, with very strong characteristics of aroma, notes of bitterness and astringency.
Great Tea
This Farmer Leaf He Huan is an excellent old tree Jing Mai. It may seem a bit pricy but it's actually less expensive than other very high end Jing Mai's. I've bought a lot of Farmer Leaf teas and am always impressed with their quality. These folks have come a long way in a short time. Truly farm to table - can't beat it.
Let's sip another cup !
After i tasted the spring 2018 JingMai singles trees, this JingMai He Huan is a bit less powerful but with the "juicy" and sweetness mouth feel, well balanced with floral and mineral aromas, lasting long taste that invite you to another cup ! Highly recommended
Michel E Samson
my second order
I just received my second order which I will keep to age. Tea that can compete with the best pu-ehrs and an unusual heavy mouth feel. Overall outstanding, comforting feeling. Highly recommended.