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This is one of our most exclusive production of the year. On a sunny afternoon, we brought a team of pickers on an ancient tea garden owned by Yubai's cousin. According to the Ai Jiang Luan, who currently manages the trees, this plot benefits from a specific microclimate and is spared from most of the hailstorms and frost which fall on Jingmai during the harsh winters. With these milder conditions, the tea trees can grow old, tall and big.
We ordered our daily workers to harvest only the biggest trees of the plot, which requires a bit of climbing and a lot of dedication in order to reach the furthest branches and pick the tree clean. Due to the hefty price we would buy the leaves, the owner wanted to make sure no pickable leaves were left on the tree. Picking old trees only requires our constant presence in the tea gardens. At the end of the day, we went back home with about fourty kilograms of fresh leaves which Yubai hand-processed in our factory.
The tea feels clean in the mouth, it has hints of smoke and complex Jingmai floral fragrance in the early infusions. In such teas, fragrance is only a detail, a curiosity which shouldn't distract us from the main point: Huigan and body-feeling.
This tea feels extremely fresh in the throat, even though the mouthfeel is lighter than in our Jingmai Gulan, the Huigan feels even more active and penetrating. You will likely sweat after a few cups, this tea is both energizing and relaxing, at least for those of us who can understand such feelings.
See more on youtube!